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Life. Life is good right now. I am feeling powerful and ready to go back to school. I have realized how excited for college I am...if I don't go to a JC. I am trying so hard to move out after high school and go to a 4-year university. I know I can do it, I know it. The problem with this world is that nobody is ever positive. Positivity, in my opinion, can save lives, can help someone become the prezident of the U.S., can help make friends, everything. It is a necessity in life and I just wish people could be more positive. Now, I am not ALWAYS positive, I usually am negative about things like never meeting Harry Styles or my hair will never be as long as I want it to be, but those things aren't going to affect my mind set or stop me from doing something, y'know? Things like saying you'll never get into a college or you'll never get a steady job and just putting yourself down like that is what can ruin your chances of things. You don't have to be positive 24/7, but at least be more positive than negative.
I went for a nice walk to Target and Boba Loca (smoothie/boba place) to buy some things for my *~*~~**~Holiday/One Direction party invitations*~*~*~*~* I told my brother if he'd like to go, but of course he complained so I was just going to leave him be and go alone. He asked me where I was going and I just said nowhere and walked out the door. It is pretty irritating how he always pays Xbox all day, but can't even run a quick errand with me???? I started walking out and while I was out halfway to Target, I saw him running. It was quite nice. He is very annoying at times, but it's cool to have a little brother. Our talks are always pretty interesting, but he gets annoying after a while, ahahahahaha. I do love that kid, even if I'm mean to him half the time!!!!!
 // shirt - forever21 // skirt - thrifted // knee highs - target // jujus - aa // lipstick - kate moss collection // 
Thoughts of the weekend: I want to feel a heartbreak. You may think I am crazy to want to, but I have never had a serious boyfriend. I have had a one-week boyfriend (oh 8th grade), but I don't really count it considering IT WAS ONLY 1 WEEK. Lots of people say it feels like you are nothing and like your heart has just been torn into millions of pieces. It hurts to move and hurts to talk, just everything hurts. You cry so much and just want to die. How can a boy/girl make another feel that way? Why are you crying because someone broke your heart like OKKKKK you're an asshole, I am not wasting my tears on you. Now, DO NOT ATTACK ME YET. I have not felt a heart break so I want to know WHY this happens, why you cry so much, why your body hurts, WHYYYYYY. My sister calls me crazy because I want to know how it feels like, but I just do! I want to experience it so I can understand others.
Another thought I have been having is being alone at school. Some people think it's so lame being alone at school and you're a loser if you are. Why is that? That is completely unreasonable and stupid? What if I am having a bad day and don't feel like talking to anyone? What if I just FEEL like being alone? Why am I going to be judged and going to be called a "loner" and a "bitch" because I want to be left alone? I hate how society makes being alone a bad thing. I sometimes wish I was alone at school because it would make me more independent, but it is good to have friends around. Just, I wish hanging out alone wasn't seen as such a bad thing.
ANOTHER thought I have been having is WHY ISN'T CARRIE AND SEBASTIAN TOGETHER?!??!?!?!?!?! I started watching The Carrie Diaries, a prequel to Sex & the City, and I finished it in less than 2 days and ohgnjknrtonbndrjibggkrudntv. I have NEVER been this mad about a show, NEVER. You guys have to watch it, it is sooooo good. I think it just started last year so they only have 1 1/2 seasons so far (season 2 is airing right now). Young Carrie Bradshaw is SOOOOOO fabulous. AGHHH, it makes me want to achieve my dreams and walk around New York and just be cool!!!!!!!! The show is set in the 80's because, I mean it's young Carrie, so it is sooooooo rad. Their clothes are perfect, the music is perfect, THE SHOW IS JUST PERFECT. Although, personally, I don't think they do a very good job on keeping the 80's vibe, but it's still great. Recommend on watching it!
I thought I would show off my cute invitations, all ready to be given out and mailed out! I am so excited for my party, it's going to be super cool and fun. I haven't seen my friends that I'm inviting in SOOOO long so I am excited for all of us to reunite finally and hopefully everything goes well!!!!!


Question: Do you wear make-up, if so, why? Because you actually WANT to or because you think people think you look prettier that way?

Ugh, make-up. I have previously talked about my opinion on make-up so I won't go on a full on rant, but damn I HATE IT. I don't get how people just cake it on EVERY SINGLE DAY. It's a pain in the butt so I don't wear it much. I occasionally wear mascara, OCCASIONALLY, and I almost always wear blush, and lipstick is my best friend. I think lipstick can be a highlight of an outfit and just make it look much more better. I don't give a rat's ass on people's opinion of my face. IT'S MY FACE. So yeah, I hate make-up and plan on never wearing foundation/cover up.

Brianna: I actually do wear make up. Well, I guess it depends because I only wear mascara. I'm not very skilled in face and eye make up. I can't even put eye liner on. In eighth grade I always said putting make up was a waste because I felt I looked the same with it on. So what was the point? But then I thought let's try it one more time and I liked how I looked. After I saw how I looked with mascara I didn't like the way I looked without it. I think that says a lot about how much of a difference make up can do to you. Once you like what you see you are not willing to go back. I wear make up because I like how it looks. I could care less if people think I look nicer with it on. There has been times wear I didn't wear mascara to school and no one straight out and told me I looked bad. Even if they thought it, I don't mind, it's their worry, not mine. Another little story is I know of this girl and she had told me she puts make up because one of her siblings always told her she looked bad without it.. I think that's horrible. And it shows how that one person can make you feel bad about your appearance. Make up is just a mask some people use to feel better about themselves. And it's also a comfort blanket. I don't know make up is weird. I'm just kind of glad I don't know how to properly use it. If I did I would probably be stressing out over what foundation matched my skin tone.

Cynthia: Yes, I wear makeup, for the most part just mascara, but sometimes foundation. I hate it so much. Lately I’ve been going to school without it but thats rarely. I really hate makeup so much. I only wear it because my mom bought it for me and I wasn’t even asking for it. I took the hint that I needed it. So I only wear foundation when she tells me I look awful, or else I don’t. But lately she’s been bringing up more makeup that I need to buy. I mean I guess I’ll wear it to make her happy, but I would much rather stay makeup free. But I agree it does make me look better, but I don’t feel better because its so uncomfortable! But I guess its a way of life.  

Hessica: I wear make-up to make myself feel pretty and to show off my individuality for myself, not for others and especially not for a boy!

Well, hope you guys are having a fantastic weekend!! =^^=


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I might just have had an existential crisis so I am having a HUUUUGE brain fart. I hate when I get myself and 5 million other people confused so everybody is just asking "what?!?!?" "whaaaaat" "what" "wut" "what?" "what!!!!" Ayeeee, makes me want to dig hole and dive into it and never come out. Well, today they were going to change our carpet for the WHOLE APARTMENT so we literally had to move EVERYTHING and ANYTHING touching the carpet. It was a real pain the butt. I hate life (especially since I had to be woken up). So, here is my outfit of the day! I took phone pictures because of laziness in taking out the other camera..and my brother wasn't home to take them, ahahhaha.
// dress - thrifted // jacket - thrifted // knee high sox - target // boots - h&m //
Today, we had a nice little lunch to In-N-Out. I wanted to take a cool profile picture of them, but my brother, who hates having pictures taken of him, saw me taking a picture and hid his face, having everyone see that I was taking a picture, which I didn't want to happen. Candid pictures are always the best in my opinion. What a QT family thoooo (missing my sister).
We were waiting for our food and thought my boot looked cool. I always like taking random pictures, but without anybody looking because then they either A) make fun of you B) ask what you're doing, causing a scene or C) trying to ruinng the picture. Also, my boot is unzipped because it's broken, but I don't have the heart to throw them away :-((((
Since we had to move every single thing off the carpet, we had to take apart our bunk beds. Here's the little kid fixing it back up. I am trying to be a nicer sister to him, but it's so hard because he does certain things that piss me off on purpose and it's like JBEBFRKBERIBGILRBEIVBREIBRIBERUIBE. yeah. (btw he didn't know I took this picture, which is why you can actually see him)
I also got a new board for my wall and I'm suuuuuper happy about it because it comes with a whiteboard!!! I really need a push when I'm doing my homework so I wrote some college stuff on it, plus my graduation cords information to remind me if I want cords, I gotta work. I do have the list of schools I want to apply to with backups, but my issue is WHAT DO I WANT TO MAJOR IN?!?!?!?! I really don't want to go to a university undecided because I feel like it is such a waste of time. I do have a few ideas, but they aren't settled. I want to work in the media, but that is so expanded I don't know where to start looking. Any ideas??? PLEASE HELP. I hate thinking about this, gives me anxiety. LESS THAN A YEAR TILL I HAVE TO APPLY FOR COLLEGE, WTFFF. (btw to the left, there is a boxer-wearing Liam Payne..I had to...IT WAS IN A MAGAZINE)
I put my old board in my closet to put some clothes inspoooo on it, but so far I just decided to put some of my concert tickets on it, ahahahhha. We'll see what I do in the future.
I also decided to put all my One Direction deluxe CDs for display because I thought it would look cool, but really it looks like a shrine with my Harry cut out..PRETTY HILARIOUS. But I don't care, I left it, ahahahahaha. PLUUUUS, I have been wanting to get a One Direction blanket for so long AND I FINALLY FOUND ONE. It's kind of uggggly, but it's still cute and VERY soft and it makes me feel happyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!
Welcome to one of Josselyn's crazed One Direction phases. My One Direction phase comes and goes, but I still love them throughout, but I have those moments where the bar reaches far away universes and it has started again. Soooo, many posts may include a bit (or a lot) of One Direction, SORRY. OH AND I MIGHT GO TO THEIR NEXT TOUR AND IM SUPER EXCITED. I'm glad my mom would never refuse One Direction tickets for me. She's da 1. OKAYY, well hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving! =^^=

♡o。.(✿ฺ。 ✿ฺ)

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HELLOOOO EVERYONE. I am sorry I have not blogged a lot recently, I have just been a trance with One Direction. They had so much going on this weekend, which meant I had to be updated every second, the usual. I spent my whole Saturday watching a 7 hour livestream they did with my good friend and it was great. Yes, it was 7 hours and we watched it all and it was very, very, VERY fun. One Direction are fantastic, c'mon now. Literally, this weekend was all about One Direction (and my sister coming over) and I don't even remember what I did. I thought today was Sunday when I began this post, oh dear. Well, I did get to shop this weekend and I got this cute jacket (below), another jacket, and 2 dresses. I am so happy with them, sigh, I love shopping.
I am literally making the same face in both pictures, I am laughing so hard right now. I literally feel like I have just woken up from a coma or something.
// jacket - thrifted // shirt - thrifted // skirt - cotton on // tights - my sister // jujus - aa // pin - homemade //
CRAPPY PICTURE, BUT YES. YES. I HAVE FINALLY GOTTEN MY IPHONE 5S. I am so happy, my parents didn't even tell me we were going to get it so, when we arrived at the store I was just like whaaaaaaat?!?!?!?!?! Sigh, I love life. I FINALLY GET TO USE MY ONE DIRECTION CASE. 
They look so cute, I might be tearing up. This case is very important. Like I said, this past weekend was very One Direction crazed and well, I got some new One Direction gear, ahahahhaha. OH WAIT. THEIR NEW ALBUM CAME OUT TODAY. You guys. It is my favorite album and it makes me so happy oh my gosh. Go out and buy it, you seriously WILL NOT regret it. I know I only say that because I'm in love with them, but this album is very different and so great, I'm being honest here. I also made a homemade pin with my sister yesterday and I put all five of them on it and it came very cuteeeee!!! (Yes, those are One Direction sticky notes and yes I put mustaches on the first page.) (Oh man, Harry is a beautiful human being.)

Question: Where is one place you have ALWAYS wanted to go and why?

This is a very simple, but can be expanded question. I would originally say the United Kingdom, but lately some places in America look so gorgeous. For example, Utah, Oregon, Washington, etc. I reaaaaaally love mountains and nature places with a perfect view. It just makes me feel carefree and like I have all the time in the world or something, I don't know. Cliffs make my legs shake, but I love staring down. It seems like it goes down forever and ever. Or looking at the mountains where there are miles and miles of them and it seems like the rest of the world is filled with only mountains? We're supposed to go to Utah this New Years, but I am not sure if we're still going, but I hope so.

Karl Lo: The place I would love to visit would be Florida. Why you may ask, is because there is a nude beach there in which you don't wear anything. This must sound creepy, but I'm approaching more of it on the practical side in which you are not judged physically, you can literally be confident in your skin! If only you let yourself be! Honestly I think flaws are big deal to me because I have dealt with them my whole life and it's really tough, but yeah and on the other part I would like to go to Universal Studios there!

Crustianne: The one place I've always wanted to go is Paris. I know what you're thinking,"everybody wants to go to Paris," but I've always dreamed of going there, I've even wrote a short story about Paris when I was 9. The fashion, scenery, and food is just all perfect. I've always imagined myself drinking coffee (I don't even drink coffee) at a cafe and reading a somewhat intellectual book wearing a trés chic outfit. I hope my experience in Paris (whenever that is) will be like the movie Forget Paris, just without the death. The thought of Paris is so nostalgic because of my memories of planning and dreaming about going to the city of lights. Someday I'll go and meet my French husband.


Hello Q-T pieeees!!! Hope you all are having a fantastic week so farrr! I am actually going on a field trip to a university tomorrow and I am super excited because no school for the whole day!!!!!!!!!! Excites me so much. Especially because this field trip is for 2 of my AP classes so I will not be missing much school work, eeeeeeee!!!! 
Just wanted to share that I am in an art class, basic art, nothing special at all. For the past 2 weeks we've been drawing a self portrait and it is soooooo funny looking at other's (and mine of course). One guy made himself look like a Meme Drake (and he didn't mean to) (if you don't know what the Meme Drake looks like, here is an example, classic). I shall show you mine soon because I want to take a more recent picture of, but DISCLAIMER: it looks like me, but it looks like crap, y'know? Y'all are going to laugh once you see it. Ahhhhh, the cold weather has finally begun and I am feeling felíz!!!! So, I decided to wear a turtle neck today and it was verrrry uncomfortable, but cozzzzy.
I liked to put the neck part over my face because it made me feel mysterious and ninja-like~*~*~*~*~
//turtle neck long sleeve - my sister // skirt - cotton on // tights - my drawer // Harry Styles look-a-like boots - Forever 21 // 'Get Bent' pin - Marina & the Diamonds //
GUESSSS WHAT I RECENTLY GOT!!!!! YES, YES. ALEXA CHUNG'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY, 'IT'. AHGHGDJWJKE. It is the epitome of all autobiographies. She talks fashion/music/karaoke/getting dressed in the morning/horses/iconic people/etc. AGHHHHHH. I have been waiting to get it and I finally have it and I am SUUUPER happy. If you are a fashion person, I guess, or just love Alexa Chung<<<<<<<<<THIS BOOK IS 4 U. (SUCH A PRETTY COVER TOO)
 Here is a page I sent to my sister, thinking, yes. Yes, when she turns 24, (because she turns that age sooner than I) she must do this. And it just reminded me of her for some reason. Ms. Chung is a perfect human being/genius. Thanx Nat, for making me watch "It's On With Alexa Chung" because I would have never been able to encounter her wonderful-ness without you.
SO, Rookie posted a blogpost today on a DIY for photoshoots with your pet!!! EEEE, it was so cute. So, I decided I HAAAAADDD to do it with my fat lard of a bunny. Now, she isn't very kind, especially with her claws and when she gets scared...she poops. So, I got the set ready, wanted to make it seem like she was at a little old fashion party with some freeeendzzzz. I even put a little, I guess, 'victorian' hat on her..and it was very difficult. Yup, she pooped. On my UCLA sweater and my PJs and I was very very very upset....BUT I GOT A PICTURE. 
Awwwwww, she is so cute. She is irritating but such a cute fatty. What a beaaaut. (Her name is Ellie BTW) (Funny story: the guy we bought her from told us she was a guy so we named her Elvis. Later on, I felt nipples so I was like "Uhhhhh, I think he's a girl" and so we turned 'Elvis' into 'Ellie' and then later we found out both male and female bunnies have nipples so were just confused, but we then found out he/she/he/she is a girl. Oh Ellie.)
Down below is where she started running away.....
Sigh, oh family. What ya gonna do. Well, that'll be all for tonight, it is 11:05 and I should be sleeping, but I needed to do a blogpost before ahhahahaha. Hope you all have a great rest of the week, byeeee!!! =^^=

( ॣ•͈૦•͈ ॣ)꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ

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Hello there few people of Earth! Yayyy, it is Saturday and one more week till Thanksgiving break, thank thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't quite like using the phrases "thank god" "oh my god" "oh my lord" "thank the lord" type of thing because it's kind of like asking God for help, but I am not religious so it isn't fair for me to say that in my opinion, I don't know! So, I always try to think of other words to say instead of "god" or "lord" and it is hard to find one that is catchy and easy to say, y'knoooow!!! If ya have any suggestions pleaseeee tell me, I am in need of a word. 
I recently went to a musical my high school pulled off and it was amazing as ever. I am quite proud of the theatre at my school, one of the best in the county ayyy!!! I have been in 2 productions and it is so much fun being in one, but I haven't auditioned for the last couple of productions because of my AP classes and majooooor anxiety. Auditions suck, so I don't think I will be doing more, but I am glad I got to experience a musical and play!! Fun, fun, fun.
Well, here is my outfit of the day even though I didn't go annnnnywhereeee except to get food, haaaaah. I went for a little "hippie" look and it was fun and comfortable!!
// crop top - cotton on // high waisted orange pants - thrifted // jujus - aa //
I alsooooo put some gold glitter onto my eyeball lids, my brother still needs some practice on close up pictures, but I thought it looked cute with my outfit so I had to share it!!!! Oh and sorry for the pimples shot like I can't hide them, MAKE UP IS NOT MY FRIEND. I tried putting eyeliner on the other day and I thought "Awww it looks so cute" but that was when I put it on my waterline and then I tried top eyeliner and I gave up. SO, I was ready to take it off AND IT LITERALLY WOULD NOT COME OFF. I was so sad, I swore I would never do that again. How do girls wear eyeliner AND foundation AND eye shadow AND bronzer AND blush AND mascara AND fake eyelashes AND a whole bunch of other crap like uh yeah no thx. I do not have enough patience and strength for that. Blush, lipstick, that is all for me.
Tonight, I spent my time eating hot wings, my lovers, and finishing up all of Doctor Who. I only had like 3 episodes left, I had to catch up before the 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF DOCTOR WHO ON NOVEMBER 23RD WHERE BILLIE PIPER AND DAVID TENNANT APPEAR AND I WANT TO CRY BECAUSE THEY'RE MY FAVORITES. Ok, sorry I had to scream that because I aM SO EXCITED. Sigh, life is great. One Direction day is on that day as well where they are doing a livestream for like 7 hours and yes my friends and I will be watching all of it. So it'll be a great day then their new album shall be coming out on the 25th AND IM JUST SO EXCITED FOR EVERYTHING.

Question: Listen to the song 'Supermodel' by Jill Sobule. It was on the soundtrack a very popular 90s movie called Clueless. Tell me what you think of it, but take in the idea that if that song came out in today's world, people would be yelling and arguing about it, whereas when it came out in this movie, it was just a song. {Here is the song if you'd like to hear it.}

Now, when I heard this song, AGGHHHHH, I loved it so much. It has such a fun beat to it and I felt like it was all girl power and 'I can do whatever I want' kind of thing 'nobody can bring me down' y'know? And then it came up to the part where it said "I didn't eat yesterday, I'm not gonna eat today, I'm not gonna eat tomorrow, cause I'm gonna be a supermodel." I was so shocked at it like if this song came out today, oh dear you know Sobule would get attacked. But she didn't back then. Why's that? Why has the world today turned everything into SUCH a bad thing, and not only this. Yes, this is a very, very bad example for girls, I am not denying that. She might have been sarcastic, who knows? This song is so much fun and I love it. It just suxxx how in today's world everything is taken very serious and people take everything in a hurtful way and we shouldn't be like that! We should be carefree and enjoy life. Yeah, part of this song seems like a bad influence, but over all I love it, it's just a fun song I like to sing.

Arpenis: In the 90's everyone kind of just went with the flow and I don't really know much about the song but it all seems very sarcastic and fun and something you want to dance to and that's why people enjoyed it, and now in society most people take life too seriously and can't enjoy music like that because it makes them uncomfortable or it just feels disrespectful. I reaaaaaallllly like the song It makes me wanna get up and dance but I didn't really think about it too much and then I payed closer attention to how people feel about it and looked at some of the comments people put on youtube and a lot of people are really defensive over it and I see their points and it's true, it's just nobody really looked at the side of those problems when it first was out, it was all just fun fun fun you know?

Julissa: I feel like when the song in Clueless, it was simply a girly song put into a movie but when you listen to it out of context from the movie, it seems to be encouraging horrible things. The song talks about anorexia and not needing an education. I think if many people heard that song today it 
would really negatively affect them. Right now social media, websites like tumblr and magazines, already make people feel bad about themselves and this song would Only strengthen that feeling

Mia: I believe that this song shows the reality behind the mentality of girls today. Maybe lyrics didn't mean as much to society before and today they mean everything. People view themselves in a completely different way because they have a set imagine in mind, for examples celebrities, models, and the "popular" girls at school. Everyone wants to be someone that they aren't and they find different ways to cope with it... unfortunately it's not always the right way, but everyone has their own ways. In society today everyone and everything gets judges so easily and it leads individuals to many different things. For example, the song shows the emotional struggle of a girl with an eating disorder who is striving for the picture perfect image. That's what many people, not only girls, desire today and they will go to such an extreme extent to achieve personal satisfaction.

I thought this was a really interesting observation and very fun!!!! Hope you all have a great rest of the weekend =^^=


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Hello friends! Today was a boooooring Tuesday. Perfect weather though, gloomy and not that cold, weeeee!!!! This past weekend a horrible typhoon called "Typhoon Haiyan" occurred in the Philippines and it was tragic. Many families lost everything they owned and had to start their lives over. Here is an article/video if you have not heard of it yet and want to know more! I just wanted to mention this because the people, who now have no food nor shelter, need help and anyone who can make a donation can help tons of people. Here is how you can help. Spreading the word on donations can make a huge difference even if you personally cannot donate! It is quite sad how these situations happen and makes one think how selfish their day-to-day complaints are.
On a lighter note, here is my outfit of the day! Below you shall see one of my "bitchfaces" like "did you really just say that" sort of thing. Tavi Gevinson from Rookie once made a blogpost about how to make different kinds of "bitchfaces" and I thought it was perrrrrrrfect! It is totally relevant in everyday life and I may use one of my bitchfaces too much in the crowded halls....
Yesterday, I was thinking about my senior quote. Now, I still have long ways till I have to turn it in, but it is going to be s000000 HARD!!!! I don't know if I want a funny one or a serious one. My friend, who is a senior this year, put a tweet from her boyf's twitter account, Zayn Malik from One Direction, and I thought that was sooo cute, but I DON'T KNOW. So, I thought I would share a few that I have found!!!
  1. "Negativity isn't the way to go, smile more, eat some chocolate." - Ed Sheeran
  2. "The less you care, the happier you'll be." - wise advice from my 13 year old brother
  3. "My life is an exaggeration." - me
  4. "Weird is normal. Normal is weird." - once again my 13 year old brother
  5. "Flips hair into the sunset." - me
  6. "Time spent with cats is never wasted." - Sigmund Freud
  7. "You wake up to the sound of the birds chirping on a beautiful sunny morning..its gonna be a good day..jump out of bed....and step on a plug." - tweet from 2010 Harry Styles
  8. "The Spanish word 'Lechuga' is a saying someone says when one wants to encourage someone not to give up." - Tumblr (only a few people would understand this)
Now, those are just a few of the ones I have saved, but by the time of next year when I actually need to turn my quote in, I will have 23864827240 more. If you have a favorite please make sure to tell me down below or twitter or instagram or whatever!!!!! It'd help me a lot.
// shirt - H&M/my brother // skirt - thrifted // socks - stole them from some1 // jujus - american apparel // lipstick - kate moss //
Last Friday, I had one the cutest, most annoying kid in my volunteer class give me a drawing she did for my friends and I! She also wrote on another piece of paper spelling out 'i love you' and it was just SOOOOO cute. I wanted to hug her. These little kids never fail to make me laugh and smile. I have been thinking about working with kids when I am older, but I'm not completely sure because those teachers don't earn much money, but I don't know!!! Thinking about my future gives me a headache......
Well, that'll be all, hope you all have a great rest of the day! =^^=


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Hello babes! Yay for a 4 day weekend that just past, but felt like a 1 day weekend HAAAA~!~!!!~!~!!@@ I hate that, it was supposed to be a long weekend, but it felt short waaaaah. Well, at least I have a 4 day week now and then next week is Thanksgiving week, which means nO SCHOOL FOR A WHOLE WEEK WOOOO!!!!!! (After I typed that out, I found out that we still have another week, I am so sad.) How beautiful right?! (Not really.) Well anywaaaays, I got this qt (qt is pronounced cute and q-t is cutie FYI) lemonade bottle and it is the cutest juice bottle I have seen!!!! Adds to my jar/glass bottles collection weeeehooooo!!!!
This weekend I got to spend it with my sister at her apartment!!!! Sister sleepover~*~*~~*~*~*~ It was so cool and so much fun. L.A. is such a hip place, but maybe too hip-py for me, I don't know! But I love L.A. trips. So many things you can do, walking distance!!!!!! I am so glad my sister lives in L.A. because that means my parents have to go to L.A. more often heeeeeheeeeee.
We went to this cool ass store that sold bacon soda, peanut butter and jelly soda, buffalo wings soda, etc. It was awesome. We decided to buy a pack of Bertie Bott's Beans and so far we have eaten dirt, green apple, and earwax. Pretty disgusting, except the green apple.
Here are some other things I bought! We went to the 99 Cent store and I saw the old Jonas Brothers note pads and had to get one. I was laughing so hard, JOE'S HAIR. Annnnnnd I got glitter finally!! Now I can throw glitter everywhere and feel fairy-like~*~*~*~*
I got back today from L.A. and my mom decided she wanted Starbucks. I love when she has those feelings. Benefits the both of us!!!! I thought It would be cute to take a picture of my drink with my babes and it did come out cute. :-)
Here is my outfit of the day!!!!! 
// crop top - cotton on // skirt - thrifted // knee highs - target // jellies - american apparel //


Question: Does money buy happiness? 

This question is so controversial all around the world. I honestly think it can, but that is very selfish of me. In today's world, everything revolves around money and technology and it's sad, but it's the truth. That is our world now and no one can change it because we are just going to advance more and more in years and maybe one day mother nature will say "these humans are getting out of hand, they're done" and destroy us, I don't know. Honestly, money can bring you happiness. It gives you what you want or need and that's life. Humans today are selfish, but yeah, that does not give you a reason TO BE selfish, but overall, everywhere is selfish in some way. I may sound ignorant, but I don't know. I can expand more on it, but I think I would just be repeating myself.

Brianna: I believe that money does buy happiness. There is so much to do in the world and nothing is free. Having a lot of money can make someone very greedy and selfish but it also determines how hard you worked to get that money! I mean those who are wealthy did a lot of work to get it. 
If you want to go out and buy a big house because it'll make you happy.. You need money. If you want to go to Italy because it'll make you happy.. Then you will need money! 
That's why I believe you need money to be happy. It may seem very greedy and I do see the downside of being wealthy.
One may think all you need in life is family and friends, but in some cases people aren't happy with their families or friends. Life isn't about making other people satisfied, it's about doing what you want to do. In the end it's your life. Its what you want to do. Don't get me wrong, having a true friendship and a loving family is great, but who says you can't have that and wealth.

Cynthia: I truly do not believe money buys happiness. I think its such a popular topic because those who are unhappy use their economic standing to blame for their unhappiness. They know its not easy to gain the money they don't have and that allows them an excuse to stay unhappy. If it was a matter of money saving one's life or allowing them to live life easier, it does not necessarily mean they will be happy once the money buys what it can. Only one thing can make one happy, and that's themselves. Material things cannot make up for the personal effort needed to make one happy. But it's sad to see how this society doesn't even try to define happiness for themselves because money does play a huge role in everyday life. But once one breaks through the barriers, I truly believe they don't need money to buy happiness.

Jessica: No, happiness was around long before money was even invented! It may help programs and education and other important things that people need assistance with, but the only thing that can bring you happiness is yourself.

Well, that is all for today!! I was very distracted whilst making this post so sorry if I didn't expand more on things or made more typos than usual!! OH and I wanted to say, if you have any questions you would like to ask The Flower Power Bitches and have them answer please feel free to comment then down below or tweet them to me @josselynalba !!! Hope you all have a fantastic day =^^=


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Hello QT's (pronounced cuties)!!!! Happy Tuesday, it was a pretty great, irritating day. Sometimes I just don't understand how one person can be how they are. I always wonder if rude people know they're rude or stupid people know they're stupid. And not just those people in your class who are JUST rude and JUST annoying, people at my school can sincerely be the definition of rude and annoying. BUT there are also some great people and that is what keeps me going. My childhood friend recently texted me, and we hadn't talked in months, telling me how much she loves my blog and was thanking me for showing her the "thrifting world" and I was just so content with life. It was so sweet of her and made my year. She is probably going to read this so, thank you, (insert name because I do not know if she's comfortable with it being on the interwebzzz) for making my day brighter, you are the kind of person who will make this Earth better.
Enough with the gooey, gooey gumdrops, hhahahah, here is my outfit of the day! (ignore my face that's my 'looking in the lense, taking a picture face' lolllll.
// sweater - thrifted // shirt - thrifted // leggings - cotton on // JELLIES - american apparel //
I am basically wearing my jujus everyday so prepare for many outfits that shall be including them!!!
Today, I was babysitting and eating chips and the kid wanted some. The thing was, I have been having this obsession with Hot Cheetos (which I think is ending today because it's killing my stomach) and so I am a selfish little shit so, I didn't want to give her some, ahahhahah. But my mom later gave her some and I was soooo irritated, ahahahhahaha. So, in my anger I wrote this note to myself, because I left my chips, thinking they'd be safe, and went to my room. (This is on my bulletin board btw.)
I also got some coooooool new school supplies from my 'boss' where I volunteer! I was preeeeeetty excited on getting these things + more + patterned tape!!!!! 

OH I HAVE SOME NEWS. Two new albums from some of my favorite artists' albums have come out!! And I would just looove for you guys to get into them and buy the album or just give it a listen. The first one is this wonderful lady named Sky Ferreira. She is an American singer-songwriter and is suuuuuuper cute. Her album just came out a couple days ago and is called Night Time, My Time, check out her album here. Another artist, or should I say band, is actually a boyband. Yeah, I know I already talk about One Direction enough, but The Wanted are sooo cool!!!! They are more edgy and I do not know if some of you would actually like them, but pleaseee just give their new album "Word Of Mouth" a listen, you won't regret it!!! (link)
There is also Arcade Fire's new album, but I still haven't gotten that one due to money issues (these other 2 were free for me hahaha). So, check out their album, too, even though I have only listened to a couple of songs, but they're really good!!!!! (link)
Well, that is all for tonight! Goodnight/good day! =^^=

( ・◇・)?(・◇・ )

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Hello beautiful people! I thought I would make a short blogpost because my blog is in need of an update. My sister came over this weekend and she makes me laugh so much. I always forget that we always make each other laugh a lot and it's nice! She is so much fun and such a great sister. 
Here is my outfit of the day! I was supposed to get my iPhone 5S this weekend, but it's sold out and I have to order it :-( SO, iPhone 5S you shall be mine in 2 WEEKS. Upset, but still so excited. 
// shirt - I honestly don't know, it's so old // skirt I hate - cotton on // knee highs - target // Luna Lovegood radish earrings - eBay // AND THE FINAL PRODUCT....MY JUJU BABES - AMERICAN SEXIST APPAREL //

THAT'S RIGHT EVERYONE. I AM NOW THE OWNER OF A PAIR OF JELLIES FINALLY. If you guys have been reading my blog for a while, you'd know that I have been waiting MONTHS for these okay. AND I FINALLY HAVE THEM. I paid for them all by myself and I am so happy. They were one of my tops things to get AND I FINALLY HAVE THEM. I hope you all feel as excited as I am.
Here is a cool close up them ;)


Question: Do you care about what people think of you? If so, why?

Now this question is talked about A LOT between my friends and I. It is quite an important concept for us because it is something that holds back the true you. It really suxxx to be stuck in a box because you fear that people will judge you and talk smack on you. Throughout high school so far, I have pretended to not care what people think. I would mentally say to myself "who the f cares?" but I DO. I honestly did and it sucked because I desperately wanted that mentality to go away and it annoyed me so much. This early October I realized that I finally don't give a crap. I don't care for a lot of things and I finally have realized it! I was so happy when I thought about it and knew it was confirmed. It is something that everyone needs to learn how to do and yes, it is completely difficult to, especially when the thoughts you care about are your friends'. Literally, just try to be yourself. One of the first steps of not caring is wearing whaaaateveeeeeer you want. Do it and make yourself happy and love yourself and just care about what you think.

Karl Lo: I honestly still am iffyy on what people think about me. Sometimes I'm so confident and ignore what people think about me, but then there are those days in which I feel self conscious about what I wear. Over the years though I've been gaining confidence.. Exploring more (fashion wise), but yeah, I can gladly say that no. I dont care what people say now.☺

Crustianne: I really don't feel the need to care about what other people think about me. In middle school, I used to get teased by some of my friends because of how I dressed and I would get hurt by what they said. But then as I got older, people would compliment me on my style and made me feel good about myself and then I realized that I love the way I dress and that if I am happy with how I look or act. I could care less about what other people think because the people who judge you are ugly and nobody likes ugly people.

It makes me so happy knowing that my friends don't care, too!! It is what makes one much more happier. Hopefully you all are with us and if not, don't worry, you'll get there!!! Well, happy Sunday, I really need to sleep, ahahhaha. =^^=
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